I am a 17 year old HyperCard author from Scotland. I've been using Macs for around 4 years, and first dabbled with HyperCard around 3 years ago. However, I only started publicly releasing any of my HyperCard titles towards the end of 1993. Since that time, the response to my software collection has been encouraging. It has been sent to a number of sources, and has been praised by those who have used it. This has given me the motivation to continue making and updating my programs. I have also recently begun contributing to HyperLunacy, the world's no.1 HyperCard fanzine (Good bit of advertising there!).
Aside from making HyperCard programs, I have just finished my final year of secondary school, and I am going on to study Computer Science at University in September 1995. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to rock music, and I am a big fan of Meat Loaf, as well as a-ha and U2. However, my main pastime is using my Mac until the early hours of the morning, trying to find new ways of proving how much better it is than all my friends computers! I also enjoy writing short stories (when I have the time - which I generally don't), constantly talking about a girl called Louise O'Neill, and telling bad jokes, so I'm an all-round sort of guy!
I can be contacted by snail mail at: 15 Urquhart Crescent, Renfrew PA4 OSP, SCOTLAND, U.K.